Firstly, I’m sorry I have been remiss in writing our blog!

I’m also a teensy bit embarrassed when I re-read some of my old posts… They are very personal and not very relevant to buying one of our baskets. The are more about mothering four girls than sourcing and designing the more heartfelt gifts and baskets on the market…

The end of 2012 proved to be quite a challenge which ended with a home and office move in December of all months! But you know how they say, ‘it’s meant to be’. Well in this case it certainly was. All our new digs are SO much nicer! When the opportunites arose, we chose to take them and have not looked back. From a one window basement office we now look through huge glass windows onto a beautiful pond surrounded by trees. From a home with lots of upkeep we now enjoy little yard work.

Now that we are settled again, this year I plan to focus more on the relevant issues, which are also deeply personal. Issues of hurt. Issues of comfort. Issues on how to move on from, or learn to live with, a significant hurt. Issues of what to say. What not to say. And how we can REALLY help.

Wishing everyone a belated but happy new year.

Thanks for reading our blog. I’m back. Revitalized and will see you back here regularly in 2012!

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