Gifting the Grieving

With December being here there are so many reasons to give people gifts so I hope over the next few weeks to give you some gift giving ideas for special people in your life.

Today I want to focus on those who may have lost someone they love this year, someone with whom they once celebrated the holidays.  How do you show care for them, respect the grief that they are sure to feel and express the love and care in your heart for them and their life.

First and foremost, show that you care.

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Beautiful Oops

It’s very noisy here, and hard to imagine that two 11 year olds girls coming down stairs really do make furniture shake.   The phone rings constantly and I’m the only one who seems to hear it and have to be chase down one of four missing handsets usually found under beds or in sofa cushions.   Within our chaos …

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Unique Mothers’ Day Gifts – The Mobius Mothers’ Day Bracelet

At Healing Baskets, we have added a line of Mobius bracelets that embrace both of these ideas – the connection between loved ones and a unique artistry. Mobius bracelets are designed so a beautiful prayer or quotation flows all around the bracelet, inside and out, without end.