A Cause to Celebrate by, Healing Baskets

HUGE BearYes, it might sound strange at first that a company called Healing Baskets would write about “A Cause to Celebrate.” After all, we hear a lot of very sad stories every day, as we create amazing gift baskets to support people through some of the most difficult events in their lives. (Like a line of products to support kids going through divorce, for instance http://www.healingbaskets.com/divorce-gifts-kids.htm.) Mom and Dad Divorce

Along with the difficult stories, however, we hear many, many stories of strength and joy. Why? Because life can often take on a deeper meaning when we’re faced with illness, or becoming someone’s caregiver – or watching our friends go through these challenges. Everyday life becomes a cause to celebrate: Thank you for caring is a celebration, having a pain free day is a celebration,  remembering a loved ones life and achievements can even be a celebration. 

I’m so lucky because all of those feelings and events – get to be translated by me, through Healing Baskets, every single day. I get to design and make specific gifts not available anywhere else that express what often our words cannot say. 

We watch the news and begin to believe we live in a bad world.  But I get to see that the cause to celebrate, when someone goes through the really hard times in life, is a world full of love and friendships around them. 

To love and friendship,
Caroline Cheshire
Founder of  Healing Baskets, Inc.

PS: To see some of the baskets in this article, go to http://www.healingbaskets.com/premade-home.htm



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