Saving Time


So we did it!  We turned back our clocks and  most of our nation observed Daylight Savings Time. These are the last few precious days before Spring officially begins.  When we move our clocks ahead an hour and manipulate our days to seem longer. I’ve often thought how lovely it would be if we really could lengthen our days – to stretch out those beautiful, sunny afternoons surrounded by friends and family and happiness.  Those “4th of July” kind of days.

Sadly, it’s the other kind that seems to stretch on forever.  The days where we are filled with worry – or when someone we love is suffering.  When each minute seems to take an eternity to tick by.   When life is really living one day at a time.

One of the most important roles we can take on, of course, is to provide moments of calm and peace and friendship – those periods of oasis, when a friend we love is struggling.  To show up with a meal (I’m not a great cook but my shortbread is always a winner) or some groceries – or make the time to share a cup of tea.  To listen or to laugh. (And remember, we don’t need to know what to say.   Your presence really is your present!  There really is no obligation to ‘fix’ a situation.  It’s just to be there and listen or hold a hand.  It’s not until you have been through this yourself that you will truly get it.

But time ISN’T something we can stretch or save. It is only ours to spend in better or worse ways.  We need to learn how not to waste it.  I love Google but it can suck up your days, leading you into more and more searches.  I just lost a whole weekend looking into a trip for the family.  And it’s not like I kept any information.  If we decide to go – I’ll go through the whole timely process again.


Time.   For some it drags.  For others there is never enough.   Let’s make a deal to try and meet in the middle.  Find some time for those who need to fill some time….

With my thanks and gratitude that you are reading my blog!

Caroline Cheshire
Founder of Healing Baskets, Inc.

PS: To send a great friend a few moments of TLC, consider the “Oceans of Love” gift basket:


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