Working Mothers

Of course EVERY mother is a working mother, The art of raising happy, confident families is a 24/7 job.  Throw on top of that the day-to-day management of a household (we won’t even MENTION the laundry), getting involved with Girl Scouts or the PTO and it’s amazing to me that so many of us maintain careers and businesses – and our sanity!

The buzz word for moms during the first part of our century seemed to be balance, and while I welcome balance to my own working-mother life, I have to admit that many days it reminds me of walking a tightrope.

For 2010, I’m thrilled to say that I’ve found a new buzzword and a great new image: RHYTHM.  Rhythm to me means being able to move and sway with the changing needs of my life.  It means that I can move more quickly when my business is very busy and I’m running around with my kids, and sway more slowly when a friend needs a loving ear or help with her sick mom.

And being a working mom, there is even less time to nurture friendships.  We are ALL busy in our own way.  Perhaps our circle of friends becomes smaller. It’s now quality rather than quantity. It’s now those who are there when you need each other.  No questions asked.  No thank you’s needed.  This ‘circle of friends’ makes the life we have chosen be even possible.

So how do I remain surrounded by inspired, empowered friends, when life as a working mom is SO full.  For me, I make it a point to make one connection a month to a friend I don’t see often enough – or who might really need a demonstration of love at that moment.  Okay, yes, I own a gift basket company, so it’s a little easier for me to do this.  But it’s one of the BEST ways I keep my own circle vibrant and current.  Those gifts of love ALWAYS mean so much when they arrive.

You don’t have to own a gift basket company to create this in your own life either.  While it may not be as amazing as my Healing Baskets (a little shameless plug there), you CAN create a very sweet tribute to a friend with a simple mug filled with socks  (Break out the artist in you and hand draw a card or jot down a funny memory or poem.) .   Sometimes it’s a gesture.  Today I’m putting in my friends mail box a cartoon from the Sunday Globe funnies.  She is an avid knitter and this hilarious cartoon of ladies sitting around a naked male model for a ‘figure knitting class’ will certainly make her chuckle.  Her Grandmother died two weeks ago and all I want to give is the gift of a chuckle.  I can’t fix grief, or sadness,  but one chuckle today might be enough to let you know that it will be ok.

So let’s try and stick together.  We have to make time to acknowledge each other and create a meaningful, loving rhythm that can move us through all of our lives – it doesn’t just happen.  It grows by nurturing, and sharing each others loads.  By noticing down days.  By paying attention to each others rhythms.   By reaching out when it is needed and not being too busy with our own lives to notice.

With my thanks and gratitude that you are reading my blog!

Caroline Cheshire
Founder of Healing Baskets, Inc.

PS: To send a great friend the “You’re a True Friend” gift basket, go to:

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